NSE historical data download for National Stock Exchange of India

You can analyze stocks from National Stock Exchange of India using free data and free softwares.

We recommend downloading data for share market of India from http://nseindia.com/, because this source has better quality (eg.: it is more up to date than Yahoo! Finance).

Let's see how to find Tata Steel's historical data on NSE.
2.) Start typing the name of the desired stock in the box at the top of the page:

start typing the name of stock into the search box on the top of the page

3.) Next is Tata Steel's quotes page. Click “Historical Data” (marked with red).

click historical data on the next page
4.) Historical data download has to be set up on the next page:
  • Click the radio button next to “Select a time period” - it must be selected as it looks like on the image below.
  • Set date in the “To” box to the current day (or to the latest possible date)
  • Set date in the first box to as early as possible, eg.: 01-01-1994.
  • Click “Get Data”.
setting up historical data download from NSEIndia.com

5.) Page may update slowly after clicking “Get Data”, please be patient.
6.) Click “Download this data” when page is loaded.
  • If MS Excel (or similar software, like Libre Office) is opening market data instead of simply downloading it, that causes the change of data format. This may lead to problems like softwares do not recognize data etc., so follow this page's description in this case, please.
use "Download this data" link in order to download data file

7.) Rename data file according to the name of the stock – eg.: tata_steel.csv in this case, because data file is named “data.csv” by default which may be confusing when multiple stock's data is downloaded.
8.) Market data can be analyzed with various softwares, eg.: using this or this software.

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