ASX (Australian Stock index) historical data download

From Quandl you can download free ASX index data of the past 14 months.

Steps for downloading ASX market data

It may happen that you meet Quandl's tutorial first (see below). Press "Skip"! (Tutorial introduces all features of Quandl – a lot of them is not required for getting data.)'s tutorial. You can skip it

Step2: If everything is OK, you should see something similar to the picture below. Press "Download". (By using default settings you will download EOD ASX data from the broadest date range. If this is not suitable for you, you can modify settings.)
ASX market data page on

Step3: Choose a format for downloading ASX data from the next window.
Hint: ".csv" and ."xls" formats are OK in most cases.
Press "Download Data" to download data to your computer.
Selecting file format for historical data

Possible problems

Number of downloads per day is limited to 50 if you are not a registered user of
So if you see an error message related to this when downloading ASX historical data, you should either register or wait another day.

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